A Constructive Demolition: 6 Good Reasons to Demolish Your Home and Rebuild


If your house isn't quite up to your "dream home" standards, you are probably considering a renovation. But are you sure that the structure you have to work with will stand the test of time, even after you have spent thousands renovating it? Sometimes, it's better to start from scratch, especially if major renovations are needed.

Statistics from the Housing Industry of Australia show that about 30 percent of new, detached houses in Australia are in the "knockdown and rebuild" category. After all, what better way is there to ensure that your new home meets all your expectations?

If you are stuck deciding whether to renovate or demolish, consider the following reasons for demolition.

1. The Interior Doesn't Match Your Vision

If the layout of your house doesn't meet your expectations in terms of room placement and shape, it might be better to demolish and start over. Otherwise, your house might never become the "home" you once envisioned.

2. Repair and Replacement Costs Are Hefty

Does your current house have major structural issues that will require expensive repairs and replacement? Are its components outdated and unsuitable for your vision of a modern home? Then it will probably be cheaper to demolish and rebuild.

3. Space Is Limited

Sometimes, the square footage of a new house just doesn't offer you the flexibility you need. This lack of space means that you have to sacrifice some of the plans you had for your home.

4. Renovation Costs Outweigh Rebuild Costs

If major renovations are required in order to turn your current home into one that you can call "home sweet home," then the costs might spiral beyond what it might cost to demolish and rebuild. Be sure to take this into account when weighing up the pros and cons.

5. The Foundation Has Major Issues

In Australia, a home needs a sturdy and impenetrable foundation. Cracks allow pests such as termites to invade. And if trees on the property have caused the land under the foundation to settle, the foundation might be compromised in multiple locations. This could lead to some expensive repairs in the future.

6. Pests or Mould Have Infested the Building

Have pests like termites and wasps turned the interior into a shell of its former self? Or are you beginning to see problems with mould and mildew throughout the building? Then rather than pay out thousands to kill the pests and repair the damage they have caused, you could instead demolish and rebuild.

Are you thinking of demolishing your current home to build the home of your dreams? Then seek out local demolition contractors to help you get started.


12 February 2020

Damage Contractors: What They Can Do For You

Hello, there! A Damage contractor can provide some great services and we hope that this blog will encourage you to find out more about them. While we don't work in the industry, we have developed a lot of knowledge about it following many hours of detailed online and offline research. We have used this knowledge to write informative and useful articles which will guide you through every aspect of working with a damage contractor. We will also look at different kinds of damage caused by fire and flooding. Read on to find out everything you need to know about this fascinating subject.