3 Reasons to Have Rising Damp Treated Professionally


If you've noticed areas of rising damp in your home, then you may be tempted to try to solve the problem yourself. You may have seen specialist damp seal coatings and paints in DIY stores and think that one of these products will do the job. But these aren't necessarily going to work. If you have rising damp, then it's better to get the professionals in. Why?

1. DIY Products Don't Get to the Root of the Problem

Damp seal and waterproofing paints and coatings do a good job in certain circumstances. They help prevent damp from getting into sound surfaces.

However, your current problem may be beyond their help. If you use a coating or paint to cover over damp patches, you're more likely to get a temporary cosmetic solution. You won't necessarily address the core problem.

For example, a sealant paint will cover damp patches. However, if your underlying problem continues, these patches come back and the problem continues to get worse. Professional rising damp treatment gets to the source of the problem and fixes it.

2. You're at Risk of Structural Damage

Rising damp can take a long time to take a real hold on a property. However, when it does, it can cause damage that goes beyond the cosmetic.

If you don't treat the source effectively, then damp can rot any wood it comes into contact with. This affects things like skirting boards and internal wall timbers. A bad case of damp can even affect the composition of plaster and masonry mortar.

The longer you leave rising damp, the more damage it can cause. The earlier you arrange a professional damp treatment and course, the less remedial work you'll have to do.

3. Your Health Could Suffer

Rising damp doesn't just cause cosmetic and structural damage, it can also have negative effects on the health of anyone living in the property. Damp creates the perfect environment for mould to grow and flourish.

If you have allergy problems, then this is a hazard you want to avoid. Even if you don't, mould can make you more prone to getting colds, viruses and breathing problems.

If you think you have rising damp, then call in a professional contractor. They can investigate your problem and recommend the best course of treatment. Once you get rid of the damp, you can use your DIY skills to make your home look good again.


21 January 2020

Damage Contractors: What They Can Do For You

Hello, there! A Damage contractor can provide some great services and we hope that this blog will encourage you to find out more about them. While we don't work in the industry, we have developed a lot of knowledge about it following many hours of detailed online and offline research. We have used this knowledge to write informative and useful articles which will guide you through every aspect of working with a damage contractor. We will also look at different kinds of damage caused by fire and flooding. Read on to find out everything you need to know about this fascinating subject.